05 January 2011

Pecha Kuch-ing

Seeing as I am watching Arsenal vs Man City with my brothers and stationed on the couch, me being the multi-tasker I am, think it would be a super idea to share some images from my debut at Pecha Kucha Bahrain which was held in the Shaikh Ebrahim Center.

Ouuwwchh..almost a goal by Nasri.. jezuz..

Anyways so Pecha Kucha was a pretty cool experience and the first time I got to share my work with an audience in my town. Here are some pretty cool pics taken by Bader Kamal, design extraordinaire who's only 20 years old and is now part of the Obai and Hill family.

Feedback for my presentation was great seeing as I perfected my timing and rehearsed loads before I went! Obai and Hill also had the pleasure of designing the Pecha Kucha poster for the event. More info on it here on our site.