09 June 2008

M is for Mokhtar

If I could describe me in one word it would be ambitious. I don't have much talent, but I sure as hell have a vision of what I would love to accomplish, always had. I think ambitious is a nicer way of saying obsessive day dreamer and goal setter which are two very compulsive habits I have mastered. I was the kid in class always reading a novel under her math textbook or re-writing to-do lists of what I would want done at the end of the week, month, and year. I always aim to get better at what I am doing, and stay persistent with it. I do have a naughty habit of getting bored with certain challenges and moving on to more checklists but I do try to learn from what I did and bring it into a future project. Look at me ya-ya-ing about ambition, the whole point of this post is when I meet an ambitious person, a passionate person I get super excited because I can relate.

And I don't often meet people my age who are so focused and passionate about what they do. You get the occasional - yeah I love law! but mostly its a drone of yeah.. I don't think medicine/accounting/engineering/design is for me. Groan. So my passionate person of the year would probably go to a guy called Mokhtar who amazed me with his passion for the camera. Not only does he take a kabillion pictures a day of his friends/events/landscape practically everything, but he is never without his beast of a camera. What struck me the most was his unfailing routine of uploading albums every single day on to his facebook account totaling to a 618 albums , when I last checked, where all his friends can tag themselves.

Willing to take pictures of everything and anything I can see that Mokhtar's energy and love of camera always gets people excited to be around him, as if his passion for the camera spills on to other people. I know I def felt this surge of energy whenever he was around clicking away.

A camera always strung around his neck, I can imagine the term 'I'll do it tomorrow' or 'I'll take a break' is not within his dictionary when it comes to taking photos. I was lucky enough to spend time with him since he is very good friends with the friend that I was visiting in Nottingham. So not only have I met many amazing people in the short span of time I was there I also left Nottingham with a good couple of albums in glossy form documenting my time there. Here are some of the pics from his most recent albums.

Contact Mokhtar here.

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